To Auld Lang Syne, for days past.... These last 365 days of 2010 have been so great, from the little things I take for granted like having a warm roof over my head and food on my table, to watching my grandson Vince two days a week and seeing him grow into this little boy who goes to preschool, seeing my granddaughter Kenzie once a week or so, and especially the big event of being Blessed with another granddaughter Aleena, just days ago.
It feels so good to look back on this year and see so many gifts I have been given, like Woolin Rouge coming out with our very first patterns, visiting with family in Michigan, having my grandchildren so close I can hug when ever I want, having a healthy loving family, and having the greatest working relationship with Traci Marvel and Bigfork Bay Cotton Company. I could go on for days because I am so Blessed. I have friends who I can tell my secrets to and a husband who loves me even though I'm sure I drive him crazy at times. Well, lots of times. He not only puts up with my Compulsive Sewing, he supports it. What more could I ask for.
So what will 2011 have in store for me? I know I will watch my grandchildren grow, sew with friends, create new Woolin Rouge patterns, love my family and friends, oh...and learn to hook rugs. (Got to love that wool!)
For you? I pray that God protects you and gives you what you need. I pray for health and happiness for you all.
Happy New Year to all my friends and family and anyone reading my blog. I love you all!
Good things come to good people :)
Just found you thru Pinterest and like you I cannot imagine my life without sewing. I have enjoyed sewing for over 40 years. Your designs and patterns are great! Wool is a new love for me after a workshop in St Louis a year ago. Quilting is another love. Anyhow, just wanted to say hello and Happy New Year to you as well. Kathy Aho in Minnesota
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