I made Vince a machine embroidered cross-stitched book of the most adorable animals. Ellen Maurer-Stroh is the designer. The designs are free by signing up to a Cross-Stitch group at
http://www.cross-stitch-board.com/stitch-board.com/ Another set she has that I haven't stitched out yet, but will soon, is of toys AND she is designing another set that will have zoo animals, including a flamingo. On the Cross-Stitch Board she also has hand charts you can download if you don't have an embroidery machine or just enjoy handwork. Her designs are just amazing. She is the one who does the little babies in animal outfits. Be sure to check her out. Here is her website
http://www.maurer-stroh.com/ Her floral designs are the best I've seen.
But back to the book. I stitched it out on weavers cloth and used a lightweight interfacing in between the pages when I sewed them together. It is about 3 1/2"high. I stitched two designs on one page. It was really funny too because I took great care picking out which animals were going to be next to each other, not thinking that I was stitching out pages and they would be on opposites ends of the book. The one I made sure I kept in the center was the cat and mouse. Shelly HATES mice with a passion so I made sure it was next to the cat so in her mind she could tell herself that the cat ate the mouse.
1 comment:
That is SOOOOOOO cute! I love it. I am so glad you are having such fun with your embroidery unit. But then, again, I knew you would!
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