John Calkins graduated from High School at semester. I asked Randy if I should wait until the graduation ceremony this summer to give him a quilt or do it now. I believe it was about -3 degrees when I asked that question and Randy's answer was, "Gee Mom. I don't know. Do you think he could use it NOW or this summer when it's hot out?" That was one of those questions I was sorry I even asked.
I know John is going to love the quilt because all through High School there were a few nights he slept in my big cozy chair and ottoman in the basement and he always grabbed Alan's rag quilt from the living room to cover up with.
Johns quilt was one that was on my 2007 goals list so I get to check one off. I will say one thing. I have hoarded my flannel collection for awhile now, and I need to actually use it up because my rag time quilts are starting to all look alike.
You did it!!!! Not only do you get to mark it off look at all the time you have for other projects!!!
Nice going.
Rag quilts are just perfect for graduation! John really can use it right now :)
It is great.
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