This is what I am working on today. I will have it ironed down and ready to quilt for tomorrow. If it looks a little familiar you are right. Wild Horse Canyon is a pattern designed by Toni Whitney for Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. that has been changed a little. They changed the colors and they made it easier to make. I LOVE the changes, however I LOVED the first one too.
Although this quilt looks hard I want to assure you that it really isn't. It is time consuming to a point and using a pressing sheet is so important. I use the pressing sheet by Bear Threads that measures 27"x30". With this pressing sheet you can do fusible applique on just about any size quilt. I can use it for ALL the quilts from Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. Even the big American Icon! Using this size pressing sheet has made my life so much easier. You can order one directly from Veronica Cox, the owner at http://www.bearthreaddesigns.com/ if your local quilt shop doesn't have one, or you can ask your local shop to carry it. They won't be sorry. It does come in smaller sizes too. Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. carries them too at http://www.bigforkbaycottonco.com/.
For those who don't know, I make trunk shows for Bigfork Bay Cotton Co. It's my dream job. There is such a wide variety of patterns and kits available. There are the most amazing wildlife quilts by Toni Whitney, a baby quilt by Katie Bramante, frogs, dancing chickens, and Italian series from Debi Hubbs...the list goes on and on! Wait until I show you the newest artist Ty Livingston. I will be making his quilts next! You can see them right now at http://www.bigforkbaycottonco.com/ too.
I guess I should get to work instead of playing on my blog so you can see all the new quilts too!
Did I mention how much I love my job?
I have to agree that these colors are INCREDIBLE! I think this is my favorite so far.
Hello Sylvia,
I am amazed about the quilt you made; is it gorgeous!
In 1999 my daughter (Sylvia) and I visited Cody and the Buffalo Bill museum. We loved both!
Kind regards from the Netherlands, Willeke
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