Vince turns 2 years old on the 20th but Shelly and Pony had his party today. There were 18 people who attended, including his great grandparents on Pony's side. I love the fact that our families can join together as one. He is very lucky to be loved by so many.
The theme of the party was Cars the movie. Vince LOVES the movie and I made him a Cars quilt for his Cars bed with Cars sheets and the works. He does like other things too but Lightening McQueen is at the top of the list. Mater is my favorite.. the tow truck Tow Mater. He just cracks me up!
It seems like yesterday that I watched Vince come into this World. At times it's hard to believe it's been two years and yet at other times it seems like it was so long ago. I feel so blessed that I have a job which allows me to work at home so that I can spend two days a week with Vince. They are very special days for me. I know how quickly they will go and if I blink I will be sitting at his graduation. It is nice to slow down as we age in order to appreciate the little things more. I am very grateful for this day and I am blessed to have the opportunity to spend it with such a wonderful family. Thank You God.
This just brought tears to my eyes!! He is getting so big and time has certainly gone fast!!! Don't blink to much so you can enjoy all the time you can!!!
I just read something that says...
DOn't live in the past- learn from it Don't live in the future but live today and do everything you can while it's here!!!!
I love the movie cars as well.
Paul Newman is my favorite person in the movie.
Happy thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family Sylvia!
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