Sunday, February 23, 2025

Rugs I've Made Recently

 I didn't post at all in 2024 but it wasn't from a lack of hooking rugs. I just get so caught up in other things. One thing I did was make new beginner kits. I wanted something representing Wyoming and something for the Sheep Festivals that we demonstrate at. 

All of the kits use my special hand dyed wool. I try to design so that the wool does the work for you. 

Another rug I designed to showcase my wool is Tatanka.

I took a class from Laurie Lawson and ended up hooking my Fraktur that is a design from Sally Kallin.

I hadn't bound or steamed this yet but I' so happy with how it turned out. All the wool of course is my hand dyed.
I made this from an antique adaptation by Black Sheep. I tried to make it look old. The smaller one is a Cushing Design.

This should do it for a little while. I will try to be better at posting from now on. No promises. LOL

Monday, July 03, 2023

Vending at the Wyoming Wool and Sheep Festival

 The Wild West Rug Hookers and I ventured to Kemmerer Wyoming for the very first Wyoming Wool and Sheep Festival. Patty, Debra, and Catherine all demonstrated hooking rugs and I sold hand dyed fiber and yarns. 

We were settling in for the day. The Triangle Park in Kemmerer was the perfect place and the weather was perfect as well. 
I am getting my frame all ready even though I never had a chance to sit down and hook. Patty was all ready and had a great time demonstrating rug hooking to a lot of interested people.
Catherine Buttrick who is the new ATHA Region 10 Rep came with her husband from Idaho to hook with us. 
Debra showed these young ladies and one more sister how to hook for a long time. At one point they were on their hands and knees watching what she was doing under the frame. One of the girls stayed quite a while and watched over Debra's shoulder. 
I enjoyed talking about fiber with so many customers!. All of the beginner rug kits sold and I have orders for more. The hand dyed roving, silk hankies (no not for your nose) and specialty yarns sold really well.

John Buttrick seemed to have the most fun. He really knows how to relax. 
Catherine went home with a fleece of wonderful 21 micron wool. I can't wait to see what she spins with this!

The Festival was a success and it is tentatively set to be in Thermopolis next year. We plan on teaching a rug hooking class since we will have time to prepare. We are all so happy we went and we met the best people!! 

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Rug Hooking at the Library

 I feel a sense of relief that for the first time since Covid the Wild West Rug Hookers are meeting at the Library in Cody! 

We will meet on Saturday, July 17th, 2021. As usual, we will start hooking at 9:30 and hook until we want or 4:30. Bring a lunch or go out to eat. Come and go as you please. I'm excited to see everyone in our "old gathering spot". 

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Worm Challenge Rug

 A wonderful lady I finally had the pleasure of meeting created a Worm Challenge that ended in April. Catherine Butterick challenged ATHA Region 10 to use only left over strips of wool from other projects to make a rug. We were to send pictures of our worms to begin the challenge. 

This was most of the worms I started with. I seriously wonder how many rugs I can make just from this pile. I still had a few containers in the basement.
Here is the rug I made with the worms. I can never get the colors right. the leaves are greener, teal. I am so happy with the way it turned out. It is by far one of my favorite rugs. It's a pattern by Susan Quicksall. 
I kept the worm challenge going with this pattern from Woolley Fox called Antique Posies. I am much closer to finishing this rug so I will post it when it's done. 
I have a series of surgeries coming up so it may be awhile. Who knows. 

Monday, February 17, 2020

Ipswich Rug

I finished hooking my Ipswich rug from Woolley Fox.
I hand dyed a lot of the wool for this rug and I changed the pot to a redware design. I hadn't bound or steamed it yet when I took this picture but as soon as I get a sleeve on it I will be hanging it up. It turned out to be one of my favorite rugs. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

First Rug of 2020

I have had this Sunflower Footstool pattern, designed by Kim Nixon, for quite a while now and decided to get it done. First I had to spot dye all the fabric. I knew exactly how I wanted it to look. The pattern didn't have a flower that would be on top of the stool so I put one in. I'm so happy with how it turned out. Now I need to make the footstool.

For the Coverlet I dye the fabric after seeing one Barb Hagler brought to one of our meetings. I love how it turned out. I had wanted to make this pattern from The Old Tattered Flag for a long time but until I saw Barbs I never really knew what I wanted. 

I dyed more wool for the rug I'm working on now. I have been hooking so fast I needed to find something else to do to take up some time so dyeing was it! That rug is on my Cheticamp Frame right now and it might just take me awhile! I hope so!

Monday, December 02, 2019

I've Been Busy

In the last month I have really been getting a lot of rug hooking finished. In fact I've been obsessed.

I hooked the runner from Theresa Rapstine. It matches the pillows I did a couple years ago. I hooked it in a size 10.

 This was a kit I bought in Denver at the ATHA Biennial. It is a Tricia Travis design.

 Then I finished up two pillows I started earlier. I always stuff my pillows and things with snippets. On the blue pillow I made a piping and I did a proddy edge on the heart. The bird is a Two Old Crows design. It was a crock pattern but I wanted it a pillow. The heart was in a Maggie Bonanomi book.

 This little guy, Too Many Cookies, is from I ordered the kit and I must say is is one of the best kits I've ever had. It was like Christmas just opening it!

Then I finished Kris Kringle, a Woolley Fox design. He is bound now. This was my first time hooking with Paisley Shawl. I cut it a size 10 and hooked it folded for a perfect size 8. Don't worry, the shawl was beyond repair. I'm hooking another santa right now and I'm using another shawl on his coat. I just love how it looks.
I hope you enjoyed my rug show for the month. I think I need to get out more.