After finishing my Lion and Lamb rug I started hooking on my Lincoln Bag. Below is a picture of it partially finished. The bag design was taken from a photo of an auction picture of a bag that they claimed had belonged to Abraham Lincoln. He was very gracious and was said to give his carpet bags away if he saw someone in need. Unfortunately, since I was so excited to send my finished rug off to Down Home Leather, in Mount Vernon, OH to be finished I forgot to get a picture of it completely hooked.
Thanks to Pinterest I saw this design by Red Barn Rugs. I fell in love with it and knew I had to hook it. This photo makes the rug seem much brighter than it really is. I was so excited to move on to a size 8 strip after using a 4 for the Lion and Lamb and the Lincoln Bag that I finished it in no time at all.
When my new hooking friend Debra Inglis was binding her Laszlo rug from the Wooley Fox I fell head over heals in love with the design. I wanted to completely copy Debra's rug but out of courtesy I chose to copy Debra Burchin's color scheme instead. I am almost finished with the center of the rug but I'll show it to you when I get more done.
Hopefully my next blog will be showing off my Lincoln Bag!