Thursday, April 10, 2014

Weaving a Rug

I need to add "weaver" to my blog title. I have officially woven my very first rag rug on my new Norwood loom.
It was a learning piece, and did I ever learn a lot! For instance, I need to start doing some core body exercises to build my back muscles! Just dressing the loom killed my back. It is a large loom compared to the one I use for my lessons, (I've had two lessons) and everything is a reach. I now understand why I've read that weavers make the warp for more than one thing at a time a lot. It took one day to measure the warp, two days for my back to make it through dressing the loom, and a little over half a day to weave the rug. I am still trying to figure out how to finish it off. Then I will wash it.
Directions on the Internet for finishing a rag rug are not as available as weaving instructions, but I am pretty sure I know what I want to do and if it isn't right, it's OK, because it's my rug and such a great learning project. For instance. I learned I don't know how to adjust the tension, I don't think I dressed the back part of the loom right. I had a lot of skipped places where the thread didn't separate in the dent that I used double thread on, and I think that had a lot to do with the problem I had at the back of the loom.
The rug is a lot thinner than I would like but I used rag balls I had from locker hooking projects that never got done. I have enough balls of fabric for at least one more rug, and I have a bunch of batiks I cut and rolled into balls for a darker version.
As far as a first rug, and the lessons I learned, I think I did pretty good. At least it looks good from 5 to 6 feet away.